Thursday, February 04, 2010

This Morning

At approximately 10:20 this morning, the State of Ohio executed Mark Brown.

It was business as usual for most people downtown this morning. I walked by a couple of guys in suits talking about their cell phone plans. A cashier of a local soup shop came out to scold me for using the restroom without patronizing. In fact, I saw no awareness of the execution at all until I came upon the small, huddled group of sign-holders, gathered to witness and pray, who I came to join.

Like most Ohioans, I don't know much about Mark Brown, either. It is amazing how insulated we all are from an execution being sponsored in our name. I do hope that he rests in peace. While I am always surprised how God can bring peace to the most impossible situations, I imagine that Mark Brown had many moments without peace. Guilty or not, his life was one of tragedy. I'm told his case has all the usual trappings of death penalty cases--inconsistent witnesses, lack of credible eye witnesses, you name it.

I felt awkward picking up a sign. I consider myself more suited to working for justice over a cup of coffee and conversation, but there is a time and a place for this. When the group circled up to pray, I knew I was where I needed to be.

It was hard to eat after the vigil, but I forced down a sandwich. I'm glad Ginger invited me to noon Mass at the Cathedral.

I pray for the Governor and those directly involved in this execution. I can't imagine all the walls they must have built inside of themselves to go forward with something like this. I say this not with anger but with compassion and sadness for what I believe they are doing to themselves. The terrorists really do win when the killers turn us into killers. I hope that no act of violence in my life can take away my respect for all life.

I also really hope I'm never tested on this.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Thank you, Frank, for sharing this prayer. It is one with power. I know God hears it... I will pray it, too.